PaintingsPal Art Resources
If you find a painting that you like write down the name and the URL of the site and email it to (or use the form below to submit inquiry). We will give you a price quote (within 24hrs) to let you know how much it will cost to reproduce the painting you have chosen. You are able to order any paintings by any artists with any sizes you like. Please email us your desired motif or simply the artist's name and painting title.
ART CYCLOPEDIA is a comprehensive index of artists represented athundreds of museum sites, image archives, and other online resources, with over 1,200 art sites and more than 32,000 links to an estimated 100,000 works by 7,500 renowned artists |
The Web Gallery of Art is a virtual museum and searchable database of European fine arts, decorative arts and architecture (3rd-19th centuries), currently containing over 52,800 reproductions. Artist biographies, commentaries, guided tours, period music, catalogue, free postcard and mobile services are provided. |
Florczak art is characterized by an avid interest in historical drama and romance and an intimate understanding of the classical paintings of the old masters |
Oil Portraits by David E. Bender |
Prints on canvas |
The world's largest poster and print store |
Wallpapers, posters, prints |
Poster and print art |
Wide variety of original fine arts |
Nature' s scene art |
Offer a selective collection of original paintings by the artists in different countries worldwide. |
Notice: Choose paintings that are in the public domain (70 years from the artist decease year) or
make sure you have the rights for the painting. |
Address: A103, Block 15, Woodland Height, Buji, Shenzhen, China. Postal Code: 518112
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